Sedotan Lancip Bungkus Plastik

    Ukuran : ⌀6 x 200 mm

    Warna  : Hitam & Putih

    Pembungkus :

      • 1 Krg @25 Pack; 1 Pack @500 Pcs; 1 Krg @12.500 Pcs
      • 1 Krg @50 Pack; 1 Pack @250 Pcs; 1 Krg @12.500 Pcs


    Ukuran : ⌀8 x 200 mm

    Warna  : Hitam & Natural

    Pembungkus :

      • 1 Krg @20 Pack; 1 Pack @400 pcs; 1 Krg @8000 Pcs


    Ukuran : ⌀12 x 210 mm

    Warna  : Hitam & Natural


      • 1 Krg @35 Pack; 1 Pack @200 pcs; 1 Krg @7000 pcs


    It’s Production until the packaging process using the machine so it is kept clean and hygiene. Used for hot or cold drinks. It is suitable to meet the needs of restaurants , hotels and cafes.